Bloomington (812) 333-4422
Washington (812) 254-2911


Preventing That “Pebble in Your Shoe” Feeling

Are you participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Sept 24 here in Bloomington? What a great charitable cause and excuse to get out there and get some exercise! Of course, if it feels like you have a pebble in your shoe every time you go walking, and when you stop to dump it out, nothing’s there, well, that can definitely be annoying and take away from you walking enjoyment! It also just happens to be a signature symptom of Morton’s neuroma and an associated condition called metatarsalgia.

Morton’s neuroma is the swelling of a nerve in the ball of your foot, most often between your third and fourth toes. It can feel like your sock is wadded up or a pebble is stuck in your shoe. It can also aggravate the long metatarsal bones that connect your foot to your toes, causing additional pain and inflammation in the ball of your foot.

Luckily, there are ways you can prevent that “pebble in your shoe” feeling and do all the walking you please, pain- (and pebble) free!

  • Some foot structures can make you prone to an abnormal gait, placing uneven pressure on your feet, and pinching your nerves. Have your gait assessed and invest in some orthotics so your foot mechanics don’t cause problems.
  • Make sure your shoes fit well, offer plenty of cushion in the ball of your foot, and ample room to wiggle your toes. When shoes are too tight or squeeze toes, they can pinch nerves and make them swell!
  • Take breaks and cross-train to avoid standing for too long or placing excessive or repetitive stress on your forefoot.

If these prevention tips don’t seem to provide any more relief than dumping out the contents of your shoe or adjusting your sock, don’t hang up your walking shoes just yet! Nerve decompression surgery could be just what you need to relieve symptoms. Find out more about this by giving us a call. You can reach our Bloomington, IN office by dialing (812) 333-4422 and we’ll be happy to “walk” you through it!

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